Jiangliu Dong
Jiangliu Dong
• Master of Fine Art( 2021 - Now)
Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, US
Direction: Computer Art
• Master of Fine Art ( 2012 - 2014)
Rhode Island School of Design (RISD), Providence, RI, US
Department: Jewelry + Matelsmithing
• Bachelor of Art (2008- 2012)
Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology, Beijing, China
Department: Jewelry
Mandarin Chinese
2010 - present
2010 Group exhibition in Beijing Universal Trade Center
2011 Juried “Interaction-Innovation----2011 International Exhibition of Metal Art” at China Millennium Monument, Beijing World Art Museum, China
2011 “New Concept of Young Artist Jewelry” Exhibition in Hongding Art Gallery, 798 Art Zone, Beijing, China
2011 "Time Imagination--Amber Jewelry Exhibition", sponsored by Vilia,Bernsteinladen (Amber House), in Hongding Art Gallery, 798 Art Zone, Beijing, China
2012 Rhode Island School of Design Jewelry + Metalsmithing graduate triennial exhibition,
Woods gallery, Providence,RI, USA
2013 Rhode Island School of Design Jewelry + Metalsmithing graduate biennial exhibition, Sol Koffler Gallery, Providence,RI, USA
2014 Rhode Island School of Design Annual Grad Thesis Exhibition, Providence Convention Center, RI, USA
2016 Juried Small Works Exhibit,Lemonade Stand Gallery, Key West, FL, USA
2016 D'Art Center Wearable Arts Juried Exhibition, Norfolk, VA, USA
2016 Residency Artist studio exhibition at Burren College of Art, Ballyvaughan, Co. Clare, Ireland
2017 “Also-Jewelry in Contemporary Art” exhibition in Beijing Park Fashion Plaza, 751 Art District, China
2017 Solo exhibition at Art Letters & Number Artist in Residence, Averill Park, NY, USA.
2017 Group performance Enjoy Yourself at Salon Similde gallery, Leipzig, Germany.
2017 Group exhibition What Did You Expect? at Pilotenkueche, Leipzig, Germany.
2018 Emerging jewelry artists invitation exhibition Trans-Edition in Craft Gallery, Guangzhou, China.
2022 Society of North American Goldsmiths Conference Juried exhibition, Adorned Spaces.
2022 Current Obsession--Munich Jewellery Week 2022, special poster, Daydreams.
2010 - present
• Metalsmith - Society of North American Goldsmiths 2017 Exhibition in Print
• 2020 work selected in Contemporary Chinese Jewelry Design, Bifei Cao, Schiffer Publishing. Ltd
- 2017, co-curator of the group exhibition
“Also-Jewelry in Contemporary Art” in Beijing Park Fashion Plaza,751 Art District, China
Artist Residency
- Burren College of Art, Newtown Castle, Ballyvaughan (Co. Clare, Ireland), 2016
- Art Letters & Number Artist in Residence Program(Averill Park, NY, USA), 2017
- PILOTENKUECHE / international artist residence(Leipzig, Germany), 2017
- Adjunct Instructor, School of Art, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY, US (2022~Now)
- Art Instructor at VO Art Union (9/2015~2020, Beijing, China)
- Custom Jewelry Designer at Zhonghua Customized Fine Jewelry Studio ( 2016, Beijing, China)
- Studio Assistant at Amie Louise Plante Jewelry Studio (1/2014~6/2015, Providence, RI, US)
- Product Development for fashion jewelry at LDC Inc. (8/2014~1/2015, East Providence, RI, US)
- Jewelry and Metalsmithing Shop Monitor and Tech Assistant, Rhode Island School of Design (2012-2014, Providence, RI, US)
- iMART –- design and sell creative jewelry for Beijing Young Designer Association (2011-2012, Beijing, China)
- Product Design Intern at Wisdomsky Inc. (2011, Jinan, China)
2008 The Third-rate Scholarship of BIFT
2009 The Second-rate Scholarship of BIFT
2010 The Second-rate Scholarship
2012&2013 The Mildred E Lord Scholarship and Rhode Island School of Design Fellowship from Rhode Island School of Design
2012-2014 Rhode Island School of Design Fellowship from Rhode Island School of Design